
Commited to supplying biodegradable and compostable products, Renature Global (Taiwan) strives for innovation and development on a mission of environmental sustainability.







1. 原料研發自主
Independent R&D of Materials

2. 公司自有歐盟雙認證與世界同步
International compost certifications obtained, keep pace with the word

3. 國內外原料與技術專利佈局
Global technology and material patent layout

4. 原料工廠專業認證
Professional certification of material factory

5. MIT原料與技術的完整結合 以優質及真正的 MIT產製品牌面向全球貿易
Complete combination of technology and materials, MIT high-quality facing global trade






1. 原料及製成媒合服務
Material & Polymer Manufacturing and Matching Services

2. 自有工廠與客製化材料共同開發
Materials Joint Development and Formulas Customization

3. 客製化材料相關數據提供
Factory Ownership and Data Sharing Exchange

4. 整合性通路行銷合作
Integrated Marketing Channel Cooperation

5. 未來性碳足跡計算等相關協助與服務
Carbon Footprint Calculation Matching and Relative Assistance Services



Made in Taiwan (MIT)
Fineness Grinding of Origin (FGO)
Reduce Water Usage (RWU)
Carbon Emissions Control (CEC)
Promote Circular Economy (PCE)
Create the Sustainable Environment (CSE)
Focus on Nature Conservation (FNC)
Assist in Industrial Upgrading (AIU)
Natural Manufacturing Process (NMP)
Biodegradable and Compostable (BDC)
Patient in Planting and Harvest (PPH)
Stick to Traditional Craftsmanship (STC)




竹本世家 初心自然

Root Bamboo Spirit, Stay Nature Goals


Accompanied by the rising of the bamboo industry in Taiwan, the Chang family began to deepen the business of Taiwan’s bamboo products in the 1960s.



知竹 惜竹,天命自然


"How could let nature return to the earth" such a strong idea gradually sprouted from a child who had been immersed in the natural industry since childhood. After years of nurturing and constantly adhering to the concept of "Root bamboo spirit, keep constantly exploring",; finally, the child getting stepped into the development of natural and green materials, looking forward to the symbiosis of human civilization and the earth's ecology growing up in the inheritance of generations transform. Furthermore, a company called Renature Global Co., Ltd. was established in historical experience and environmental affect.



2019 6月 .  

2019/06/27世農新材料股份有限公司設立延續不間斷的技術知識 進行實際生產專營研發製造 環保 、生物可分解材料、複合材料 。

12月 .  

世農成功研發第一支 MIT竹粉生物可分解吸管並量產曝光於市場 。

2020 1月 .  


2月 .  

世農 x 台中中友百貨,聯合推出2020新春活動。

3月 .  

與化妝品及筆等文具類代工大廠合作,成功研發生物可分解化妝品器具並推出重複性餐具及隨行杯等定料射出級 。

4月 .  

與各大連鎖餐飲、手搖品牌聯名,共同響應世界地球日 50 週年。
與合作夥伴廠商成功研發生物可分解酒精瓶罐、果汁瓶罐 ,定料吹瓶級 。
與合作夥伴廠商成功研發生物可分解袋、膜產品 ,定料吹膜級 。

6月 .  

與合作夥伴廠商成功研發 生物可分解 3D 列印線材 、 一次性餐具等 ,定料押出級。
世農宣布,成功研發並推出 MIT 生物可分解複合材料 ─ 「 Biomadecon® 」,附有射出、押出、吹瓶、吹膜級材料配方。

7月 .  

世農宣布成功研發環保材料開發應用,拓展材料可應用於各式纖維、天然材料之生物可分解複合材料配方, 將農作物廢料及加工植物產品渣料加以開發製成因應國際法規情勢、 布局永續未來。

8月 .  


9月 .  

世農 x 嘉義林務局等相關單位,共同展開環境友善器皿合作開發。

10月 .  

世農 Biomadecon® 委託塑膠中心試驗 EN13432/ASTM D6400 材料可堆肥性通過。

12月 .  

為因應生物可分解材料之訂單需求日以劇增世農宣布下訂擴充產線機台設備 。

2021 1月 .  

世農 Biomadecon® 榮獲 DIN CERTCO 、 Seedling Mark 國際生物可堆肥雙認證。
世農 x 工研院正式展開環保署生物可分解產品碳足跡 PCR 制定。

3月 .  

世農受臺中市海線文化關懷協會邀請,共同參與 2021 植樹節公益贈苗活動。

6月 .  

世農 x 工研院制定之環保署生物可分解產品碳足跡 PCR 事前審查會議通過。

7月 .  

世農 x 嘉義林務局等相關單位,正式簽定共同開發合作計劃。


June .  

Renature Global Co., Ltd. was established and officially invested in manufacturing, R&D, innovation environmentally friendly, biodegradable and compostable materials or polymer in September 2019.

February .  

Renature Global successfully developed the first bamboo powder biodegradable straw Made in Taiwan (MIT), and mass production was exposed to the market in December 2019.

January .  

Department of International Trade was established, and successfully obtained the first batch of orders for several million biodegradable straws to be exported.

February .  

Renature Global x Chungyo Department Store launched the 2020 Chinese New Year Celebration.

March .  

In cooperation and R&D with major cosmetics & stationery OEMs, ODMs enterprises, successfully set the regular biodegradable formula that can also apply on reusable products ─ Injection Molding Grade.

April .  

Response to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, jointly events with major restaurants and handshake beverages enterprise.
In cooperation and R&D with partner manufacturer enterprises, successfully set the regular biodegradable formula for alcohol disinfection bottles or other products ─ Blow Molding Grade.
In cooperation and R&D with partner manufacturer enterprises, successfully set the regular biodegradable formula for various bag or film products ─ Film Blowing Grade.

June .  

In cooperation and R&D with partner manufacturer enterprises, successfully set the regular biodegradable formula for 3D Printing Filament, single-use tableware and other products ─ Extrusion Molding Grade.
Renature Global announced that it successfully developed and launched MIT(Made In Taiwan) biodegradable, compostable Polymer ─ "Biomadecon®", with Injection, Extrusion, Blow Molding, Film Blowing Grade formulas.

July .  

To deploy in advance and correspond to the UNEP 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Renature Global announced to deepen the R&D of eco-friendly, biodegradable and compostable materials application and formulation adjustments.
In cooperation and R&D with partner manufacturer enterprises, successfully set the regular biodegradable formula for airline meal tableware series, deeply concerned by related domestic industries and social media.

August .  

Renature Global successfully produced the biodegradable food containers series with major convenience store OEMs, ODMs enterprises.

September .  

Renature Global x Forestry Bureau Chiayi District and other related units starting developed eco-friendly utensils.

October .  

Biomadecon® ─ Biodegradable Polymer passed the EN13432 & ASTM D6400 International Standard Specification for Compostable by PIDC Compostable Certification Laboratory.

December .  

Successfully developed a biodegradable nursery pot with partner manufacturers, supplied it to the Forest Bureau for nursery planting.
Renature Global announced that it has ordering machinery and equipment, expanded manufacturing lines to meet the increasing demand for biodegradable Polymers.

January .  

Biomedicon® ─ Biodegradable Polymer has obtained DIN CERTCO and Seedling Mark, both international compostable certifications.
Renature Global x ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) started developing Carbon Footprint PCR of EPA Biodegradable Product Planning.

March .  

Forest Bureau x Renature Global and several manufacturers jointly announced the R&D results of biodegradable nursery pots.
Taichung Sea Line Cultural Care Association invited Renature Global to respond to the charity donation activity at Arbor Day 2021.

June .  

The pre-review meeting approved the Carbon Footprint PCR of EPA Biodegradable Products jointly developed by Renature Global and the ITRI Programme.

July .  

Renature Global x Forestry Bureau Chiayi District signed the Development Cooperation Plan Agreement.
Renature Global x Forestry Bureau.


Take from nature, return to nature...




Inspection Report


Intertek - 不含6P檢測


SGS - 美國藥物暨食品管理(FDA)安全檢測









